Monday, May 25, 2020
Alzheimer s Disease The Most Common Form Of Dementia Essay
Alzheimer’s disease, considered the most common form of dementia, is a degenerative brain disorder which leads to loss of memory and decline of cognitive thinking. Alzheimer’s disease effects over 5 million Americans, a number which is expected to triple in the projected future, and is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States (Dougherty, R.J., et al). Majority of these affected people are sixty-five years of age or older and have what is called late-onset Alzheimer’s, whilst a smaller margin of individuals is younger than sixty-five years of age and are said to have early-onset Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease presents itself in three main stages, is caused by the degeneration of neurons and by the changes in protein composition in the brain, and despite the lack of definitive, early diagnosis or preventative treatment the disease can to a certain degree be detected and managed. Alzheimer’s disease gradually develops over a period of years and can last decades. The disease itself can be broken down into three main stages: the early stage, the moderate stage, and the severe stage. Each of the three stages exhibits a progression of the symptoms from the prior stage. In the first stage, the early stage, most patients generally have difficulty finding the right words, take a longer time to react, and struggle with short term memory loss (Alzheimer’s Disease). This stage can last anywhere from two to four years and is often when the disease is first diagnosed inShow MoreRelatedAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Common Form Of Dementia1427 Words  | 6 PagesDementia, known as one of the world s current pandemics, is estimated to be the fourth most common cause of death in the developed country, second only to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. With the aging population, dementia has gradually become a serious threat to the health of the elderly people in Australia. Alzheimer s disease is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer s disease usually occurs in a primary degenerative encephalopathy in senile and pre senior periodRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease Is The Most Common Form Of Dementia1086 Words  | 5 PagesDo you know what alzheimer’s disease is? Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. It is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, and the fifth leading cause of death in ages 65 and older. â€Å"2010 Alzheimer s Disease Facts and Figures. Rep. Vol. 6. Chicago: Alzheimer s Association, 2010. Print. Alzheimer s and Dementia.†This disease is the deterioration of the brain that can, and probably will lead to brain loss that cannot be reversed. It is a very slow decline thatRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Common Form Of Dementia998 Words  | 4 Pagesaware of Alzheimer disease, especially adults who have a family member in late adulthood. If people were to have knowledge on h ow to help or treat someone who has Alzheimer disease it would be beneficial for both of them and it would make living together much easier. Many people don’t know what Alzheimer disease is â€Å"Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. The risk of AD increases with age†(Takashi 2015). As someone ages they are most likely to get Alzheimer disease, this dueRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Common Form Of Dementia2016 Words  | 9 PagesOne in three seniors die of Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia (Godman). Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia but all types of dementia diseases effect seniors and their families in a dramatic drastic way. Early signs of Alzheimer’s start as early as the age of 30 and can affect someone for the rest of their life. These diseases have become more reoccurring every year, effecting around 5.3 million Americans and will continue to change lives for the rest of time (BenderRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease Is The Most Common Form Of Dementia1684 Words  | 7 PagesAlzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, which slowly and steadily impairs the mental function and psychological competence. Even though there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, current treatment patterns and research aim to delay the progression towards dementia and the associated symptoms. The strongest risk factor for this disease is increased age, typically seen in individuals over the age of 65, but it must be noted that Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of the aging process. Alzheimer s diseaseRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Known And Common Form Of Dementia1069 Words  | 5 PagesAlzheimer’s is a disease that affects a lot of older people. It not only affects the person but their families, friends, and any loved ones. The disease makes them forget almost everything they have experienced in their life. The memories they have of anything can be almost nil and they will not act like themselves anymore. This disease is a hard disease for someone’s family members to cope with because the person they once knew, is all but gone. In this paper I will be explaining the definitionRead MoreThe Common Types Of Dementia1013 Words  | 5 PagesDementia can be defined as a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life ( More than often, individuals affected by dementia are over the age of 65. In the United States, there are more than three million cases of dementia each year. According to World Health Or ganization, the number of people living with dementia is currently estimated at 47.5 million worldwide and is expected to increase to 75.6 million by 2030 (World Health Organization 2015). Dementia is causedRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1677 Words  | 7 Pagesone thing Alzheimer s cannot take away, and that is love. Love is not a memory - it s a feeling that resides in your heart and soul.†(Fade to Blank). The human brain is a remarkably complex organ that processes, stores, and recalls information. â€Å"Alzheimer s disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception. Many scientists believe that Alzheimer s disease resultsRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1421 Words  | 6 Pagesengulfed by a mysterious disease. The neurons being cut off and destroyed by two abnormal structures. First memory is affected gradually g etting worse. Then one is unable to think properly, reason, and lacks of self control. Gaps are formed in the brain s ventricles, due to the amount of dead tissue. In the end, it will lead to death. All of this may sound like something from a science fiction movie but infact its very real. These are all known possible symptoms of a common disease that affects aboutRead MoreDementia Is The Only Cause Death That Does Not Have A Cure972 Words  | 4 PagesDementia is the only cause of death that does not have a cure and cannot be prevented. It is the loss of mental functions such as thinking, memory, and reasoning that is severe enough to interfere with a person s daily functioning. Dementia is not the name of a specific disease itself, but rather a group of symptoms that are caused by various diseases or conditions. This is referred to as an umbrella term, a phrase that covers a broad interval or set of functions or items that all fall under a single
Friday, May 15, 2020
Anorexia Nervos A Psychological, Familial And...
Anorexia nervosa results from a complex interplay between biological, psychological, familial and sociocultural factors. Alice’s development of anorexia nervosa can be viewed through a psychoanalytic lens. Many of Alice s needs were not met or interpreted correctly in early childhood by her parents, particularly her mother causing Alice to develop ego deficiencies in identity and need for control. This thought is supported by Hilde Bruch (1974) who regarded â€Å"anorectics as being in a struggle for control and their own identity - the pursuit of thinness was seen as a critical part of such a struggle†. Bruch considered that there were two main characteristics of parents that made the development of anorexia nervosa more likely in their†¦show more content†¦In his paper â€Å"Three Essays on The Theory of Sexuality†(Freud, 1962) brings nourishment and sexuality firmly together suggesting eating was a substitute for sexual activity and therefore not eat ing was a way of repressing sexual urges. In conjunction with this girls could avoid development of an adult body- hold off/extinguish menstruation, avoid breast, hips and other womanly features further delaying independence from the mother. This mentality is clearly evident in Alice in her avoidance of sexual exploration- by self or other in conjunction with focus on and loathing of body parts associated with womanhood - â€Å"impossibly wide hips, obnoxious bosom and boxy curves.†Alice s first restriction of food correlated with the onset of puberty and her father infidelity/parents separation, this loss of control over changes to body and changes to family system caused Alice ego to create defenses and manifests itself in a control of food and weight to return to a time previous to the offending event(s). Alice development of anorexia nervosa could also view through a cognitive model. Research has suggested that there is a number of cognitive distortions in the thinking
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Explain The Influence Of Homers Odyssey On Margaret Atwood
Explain the influence of Homer’s Odyssey on Margaret Atwood. Margaret Atwood said that after reading The Odyssey she had two questions; â€Å"what led to the hanging of the maids and what was Penelope really up to?†. In writing The Penelopiad, she felt she was able to answer those questions. The Odyssey is from Odysseus’ point of view, recorded by Homer, but is not the only version of the story as it was mainly handed down through generations orally, which can lead to details being changed. She wanted to tell the story from a different angle, Penelope’s point of view. Homer’s Odyssey was a significant influence on Atwood. However, she also used other historical records of the story of Odysseus’ journey. â€Å"I have drawn on details other than the†¦show more content†¦She also wanted to tell the twelve maids’ story of their lives and the events leading up to their deaths. The Penelopiad was intended for a modern, young female audience. The Novella was written in recent times so the thought pr ocess around the value of women has change significantly. Women now have a more equal standing in society than they did when The Odyssey was recorded. This is demonstrated in the novella by Penelope’s intelligence and strong character. Explain reasons for the different portrayals of Odysseus, of Penelope and of the twelve maidservants. In The Odyssey, Odysseus is depicted as a strong, brave husband and father. He can sleep with whom he pleases, he hides some truth from his fellow men. â€Å"I did not mention the inescapable horror of Scylla, fearing that in their panic my men might stop rowing and huddle below decks.†Odysseus gets angry when he returns home after twenty years of being away and the Suitors are in his home, courting his wife. Odysseus is the king of Ithaca, he is the father of Telemachus and husband of Penelope. Odysseus is described as an excellent warrior and a brave hero. â€Å"You are hard, man, Odysseus. Your force is greater, your limbs ever wear out. You must be made all of Iron.†He is the paterfamilias of the household. In The Penelopiad, Penelope talks about their wedding night where Odysseus says â€Å"Forget everything you’ve been told†¦ I’m not going to hurt you, or not very much. But it would help us both if
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Complementary Strategies Turnaround Situations - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Complementary Strategies Turnaround Situations. Answer: Introduction: Apple Company is a manufacturing company that focuses mainly in consumer electronic based products. Being a worldwide known company for various electronics products, it faces a great competition from other companies like Samsung, LG, Nokia and Microsoft. However, Apple stands out in the market against its competitors through focusing more on broad product differentiation. The firm also produces user friendly and well-designed products that enables it cover a wider market. In this way, the company is able to maintain market leadership as high-value business and high-end company. (Pretorius, 2008) According to the case study, Apple company adopted various strategies in order to penetrate and survive in the competitive market of consumer electronics. First, the company built a good reputation with its customers by making personal computers that were easy to use compared to what their competitors produced though they priced it higher than their competitors price, however this did not made the company not to sell since most customers mainly look at the quality of the product and not only the price. This strategy was as a result of visiting Xerox company research laboratories by founders of Apple where they observed that Xerox had developed an early version of computer interface screen with drop-down screen widely used by personal computer users today. They decided to adapt this strategy in order to make personal computers that are easy to use compared to their competitors computers that still have complicated technical interface features.(Kotorov, 2001) Secondly, Apple manufactured innovative computers and other products that are more competitive like the Mac2, Powerbooks and Pagemaker, a worlds firstclass desktop publishing programs. Page maker has remained to be the leading publishing program of its own unique kind widely used around the world in publishing and fashion houses. This strategy has made the company to remain exclusive because most consumers nowadays need technological advanced products which they believe they are the most effective to use .the strategy have also enable the company to have a specialist market where it has a great competitive advantage. In 2000, Apple adopted another new strategy that enabled the company in penetrating the competitive market and exploit the growing world market of personal electronic devices including the mp3 music players, CD players and digital cameras. They launch their own version of the three products and changed them to user friendly software and of high value in order to make their product unique and highly competitive. This innovative idea helps the company grow as well as developing its market hence making it more competent. This is as a result of a good reputation that the company created by manufacturing the unique products that when sold to customers they feel special as they believe no other company had produced such unique product. The fourth strategy the company adopted was the launch of iPods in 2001. This is a personal music player that stores hundreds of CDs, later in 2003 and 2004, they launched an iTune music store in USA and Europe respectively which was rated as most innovatory development because iTune was used widely around the world for downloading music tracks at a cheaper charge of 99 cents. This also made Apple more competitive since there was no other company manufacturing such innovative products. Later in 2007, Apple launched iPhone, a mobile phone which has the same characteristics like iPod. This strategy helped the company penetrate the competitive market as many consumers opted for this type of phone because it is designed with characteristics that are user friendly and the mobile phone is widely available hence rated the most effective. In addition the company reduced the mobile phone price to enable it to gain a large target volume and it also expanded the companys global market reach whe re competition was massive for the past many years.The iPhone mobile device however achieved a significant technical breakthrough with its touch screen feature that was highly preferred by users as compared to its competitor Nokia, which has handsets designed with fixed buttons and small screen. Moreover, Apple launched another iPhone model in 2010 the iPhone 4 which was designed with a further technology advances. This is another strategy that has enabled Apple company remain more competitive in consumer electronic market since everyone is moving to an advanced technology world that Apple too is moving towards. Innovative products being the major point of making a company competitive in this case, it always go in hand with technology and embracing technology advancement place a company at a great opportunity of surviving in a competitive market. Therefore, Apple strategy of designing the iPhone 4 with advanced technologicalfeatures helps the company survive in the competitive market. Lastly, Apple hit back and negotiated on supply contract of flashmemory for its iPod that were cheaper than its rivals, this strategy has eventually helped the company survive in the competitive market as the reduction in price enables the company reduce its prices of the product thus attractin g more customers. However, for Apple company to survive in the competitive electronic consumer market,it should focus more on product differentiation whereby it emphasis on manufacturing innovative products with different unique features and design compared to those of its competitors.The company should also focus on penetrating markets especially on areas where it is limited to reach and expand on its market coverage for it to survive in the competitive market environment and increase growth and company development. (Chesnokova, Radina and Serdyuk, 2014) In order for Nokia to sustain its initial dominance in the technology industry, the firm could have done the following; first, the firm could enforce strategies that ensuresit remains competitive in the industry. The main strategy it could have put in place is competitive strategy. This is a strategy that should greatly evolve in the firm which is high technology Company where industries, market and technology changes rapidly. The strategy helps a company to be competent in the industry in order to gain competitive advantage over other firms. In this case, Nokia could set have set a strategy whereby the firm set a long term direction of the products it intends to produce and the technology to use. After setting the direction, the firm then determine the market of the product to enable the firm determine what price to use for the product and still remaining competitive.The company could also put in place technology strategy which could have guided the firm in developing and acquire ne w technological advances to enable it make advanced device design and stand out over its competitors. Nokia could also set a good market strategy to help differentiate its products from that of its competitors, the market segments of the products and the customers needs. Producing its own unique product without an imitation of its competitors products could have enabled the firm dominate the market.this strategy could help Nokia succeed by manufacturing unique mobile products with advanced technology features which will make customers feel they are offered something unique and special that other firms do not offer, in the long run building a good reputation that will help Nokia sustain its dominance in the technology industry. In addition, for the firm to sustain its initial dominance, it could have made sure to be the first to market any new product identified in technology field. This is because, being first to market any new innovative product enables a firm built a good reputation as a market leader that in the long run attracts more customers and increases its marketing effectiv eness. The reputation will also make the company to remain top competitor once it has become a consistent market leader. (Burgelman, Christensen and Wheelwright, 2009) Lastly, the firm could also engage in producing well designed products which are user friendly that leads the company to cover a broader market.By doing that, the company could have been able to maintain market leadership as high-value business and high-end company just like what its competitor Apple does. Nokia could also employ strategic planning to help identify potential problem the firm faces in the technology industry that hinders the company from dominating the market. This will in turn enable the firm create a framework to help achieve its goals of dominating the technology industry.(Berman and Hagan, 2006) References Burgelman, R., Christensen, C. and Wheelwright, S. (2009).Strategic management of technology and innovation. 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Berman, S. and Hagan, J. (2006). How technology?driven business strategy can spur innovation and growth.Strategy Leadership, 34(2), pp.28-34. Chesnokova, A., Radina, O. and Serdyuk, R. (2014).Consumer Loyalty as a Factor of Establishing the Competitive Advantages in a Company under the Market Conditions.Asian Social Science, 10(23) Kotorov, R. (2001). The strategy wheel: A method for analysis and benchmarking for competitive strategy.Competitive Intelligence Review, 12(3), pp.21-30 Pretorius, M. (2008).When Porter's generic strategies are not enough: complementary strategies for turnaround situations.Journal of Business Strategy, 29(6), pp.19-28
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